Beware the communication pollution…

Let's see how and how many things will get messed up…

There are innumerable scenarios in order to turn Turkey into a blood bath of the Middle East…Turkey still tries to stand for the manifestation of the national will power.

The hope of light which has been burning for many things that will be solved on November 1, hasn't yet faded in Turkey.

Those who want to fade it tried every way…

If the power and /or powers who is/are behind these developments which are trying to escalate them gradually do not come to light as soon as possible, this situation will aggravate the chaos planners and will have a multiplier effect on the crawling rate on the perception of Turkey.

The aim is obvious. To declare Turkey a terrorist country (have it declared) of course to declare the Honorable President the “head terrorist”… And then find the ways to judge him (make him judged)…

This game was staged with an agile “performance” which we have to admit has been “successful” in other countries a few times…

I am among those who believe Turkey will not lose equanimity, with Toynbee's saying once more “Turkey will confuse the Westerns on the plans they have been making over Turkey.”

And however the November 1 elections reflect the results of the national will power, at the end, Turkey will emerge from its difficulties.

In spite of this, in the basic two issues which we think are rapidly developing nowadays, on the way to dominate the politics, we believe that once more we need to put a bug in the politicians' ears…

One of them is the message, more precisely: the promise pollution.

No doubt one of the biggest enemies of the perception is the promise chaos which has to be seen in accordance with the “surplus is wrong” principle…

Let's say, in a computer we write down the election promises of the parties, one under the other…

Then later we shuffle them. Then we go to the mass of voters. We almost meet with a thousand subjects and say, “Which promise belongs to which political party? Please indicate writing the name of the political party under the promise…”

What per cent of a success rate do you believe the subjects will know accurately out of 100? I guess this will be between 1% to 5 %...

Whichever party determines its basic promises which will not exceed 5 items, which will be stated with a search as the most effective on the voters mass, and if it focuses on them, will definitely be well ahead compared with the others…

The second one is; whatever Anglo-Saxons call “Power pollution”…

For example the pollution of the power which formed a perception that today Fenerbahçe should necessarily win each match it plays scoring at least 4-5 goals more…

However, when Barcelona is defeated, even when it is considerably defeated, there is never an aggressive environment against the administration and trainer…

However a chairman can appear and say, "I will look at the end of the season; if we can't be champion, the trainer goes"...

Without realizing the power pollution this would cause in the eyes of the fans and the supporters of the other teams and that will work against him...

The situation is the same in politics...

Showing excessive power can immediately work against those who show that power...Even if it is not taken under control, stopping that drunkenness may be getting more difficult...

There is a single solution for the power pollution. To be able to implement the “consultation, persuasion and alliance” formula in each process of the political communication... Otherwise, just as every uncontrolled "power", he may be imprisoned to remaining alone...

This determination is now valid for all the administrative staff of the four parties...

The only thing that can be done in the last 24 days is to strengthen the perception that there is loyalty and will be loyalty for this 3 items principle ( consultation, persuasion and alliance) till the end and establish alliances immediately…

Enabling more than that doesn't work on anything else besides activating the first pollution…

#Middle East
9 years ago
Beware the communication pollution…
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