Sanctions on Russia, economic war, a geopolitical confrontation
The crisis in 2008, which hit the world’s central economies was actually a geopolitical crisis. It was the declaration that the existing global economic structure was now annulled, and, also, how dangerous the global power shifts had become. It was the declaration  that a new power map was unavoidable. A new economic order, a new political order, a new power balance linked to this was necessary. 

This was the first blatant indication that the U.S. and Europe had forever lost the unilateral power to control the world. The rise and power accumulation in Asia signaled that the Atlantic center would never be able to reach this power again in the near future. 

As the old world takes action

 The status quo formed after World War I and II has been destroyed, and dependency on U.S. and west European economies and political centers has diminished. New power centers, new economic and political capitals are developing, alternatives are increasing. The old world, civilization centers are rising and becoming strong enough to compete with the West. The rise is so rapid that tremors and changes took place in a very short period of time. In this case, the most difficult obstacle to overcome in the minds of people was the absolute Western dependency, the deep-seated belief that the West cannot be competed against, and the Atlantic axis’ arrogance in undermining the world, the rising markets and powers.

That arrogance globalized the war 

The global economic crisis was not solved and could not be solved due to this arrogance. Temporary measures alone were taken, the bigger crisis was delayed, postponed, and certain steps were taken to palliate the crisis. Hence, the crisis that hit central economies  still continues and will continue to do so.

 Why? Because the Atlantic axis, the  political and economic bosses of the world knew that solving the crisis, accepting the new economic system was possible through sharing. They were aware that this meant sharing global power and sovereignty. 

No surrender to this hysterical power

They do not want to share anything with the new capitals, with the multipolar world. On the contrary, they were overly ambitious to have full reign over everything.

They did not share. They did not have any partners in the domains of economic and political power. But the old world would walk its own path and the human race would not surrender to this hysterical power. Outside the West, the economic rise continued. Technology continued to develop. Capital continued to flow into the East, to other locations. The stronger the economy became, the more the political power shifted toward the East, and power changed its natural course.

Vexed about losing everything 

It was becoming increasingly obvious that the 2008 crisis was not only an economic crisis, but a geopolitical one, that it contained serious objections to the West’s global sovereignty. Political rapport and separations were taking shape accordingly. New blocs, new axis’ were being formed, and, based on these; the political climate was roughening up and the political discourse was reshaped.

This conflict had broken out along with the 2008 crisis while a covert world war was going on. The war against the American economy, a war against the dollar, a war against the market understanding, and most importantly, the war on resources was reshaping the world. The West had not shared economic and political power, but it was also anxious about gradually losing it.

Local conflicts reflected this confrontation

This great power conflict had activated the Earth’s fault lines, breaking points, the border regions between power blocs, and caused the local conflicts in these regions to erupt. The majority of the conflicts in our region today are the reflection of this sharing and power battle. The ideological discourses, the identity-based language of conflict are entirely how this huge clash is marketed to the masses. The fight against terrorism, ethnic fights and sectarian problems are all like this.

The Baltics, Eastern Europe, the Pacific

Today, on a global-scale, an economic war has spread as much as possible, surpassing local conflicts and the stress between central powers has reached a dangerous point.

The crises that will shake the world are not the conflicts in our world but this major stress. This danger, which we have no idea regarding when, where and how it will erupt, about which we merely make predictions, is close and very serious. This is why I pay great attention to the Baltics, to Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
Sanctions on Russia and economic war

Why did I remind you of these?

The U.S.’s decision for new sanctions on Russia, which triggered this discussion, actually provide us with a lot of information on this great crisis. It helps us see a big part of the map, an important part of the picture. It shows the kind of trade war, the kind of economic confrontation, the kind of power shift and conflict that is going on.

Looking at statements made by the EU representative, even they do not see eye-to-eye with the U.S. on this matter and, Germany is especially able to say: ”If it effects our interests, we will overlook the U.S.’s sanctions.” This situation displays how the economic and political power confrontation has divided, and will divide even Europe. It shows that fronts are constantly changing.

The West will have a civil war...

It is high time that we discuss, with clear-cut examples, the West’s internal conflict, the clash of central powers among themselves. We know that those pillaging the Muslim geography, those dividing countries, have the greatest unrest internally. In any case, the results of this will be seen soon.

But it should be particularly noted that the new siege operations targeting Turkey, the new lines of enmity, and attempts to isolate the country started with Turkey joining this confrontation. We should also be aware that we are at the center of this fight.

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