
Airstrikes kill 12 PKK terrorists in Turkey, N Iraq

Turkish warplanes kill 3 terrorists in northern Iraq and 9 in southeastern Turkey

Ersin Çelik
10:57 - 30/07/2017 Pazar
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Turkish jets killed 12 PKK terrorists in separate counterterrorism operations in southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq, military statements said on Sunday.

According to a Turkish Armed Forces statement, the operations in northern Iraq were conducted in the Zap and Matina regions Saturday evening, killing three terrorists, who were preparing for an attack.

Turkish jets destroyed three weapon pits and two caves used by terrorists in the region, the statement read.

Turkish warplanes also conducted airstrikes in Beytussebap district of Turkey's southeastern Sirnak province on Saturday evening, according to the Turkish General Staff.

The statement said the airstrikes killed nine PKK terrorists including a senior member.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- resumed its armed campaign against Turkey in July 2015. Since then, it has been responsible for the deaths of around 1,200 Turkish security personnel and civilians.

#northern Iraq
7 yıl önce