
'Turkish nation is of one heart with soldiers in Syria'

Euphrates Shield operation is being conducted successfully and the Turkish nation is of one heart with soldiers in Syria, as Ankara is using every means to support soldiers there, Turkey's National Defense Ministry says

Ersin Çelik
18:07 - 23/12/2016 Friday
Update: 18:10 - 23/12/2016 Friday
Yeni Şafak

Turkey's National Defense Ministry has issued a written statement about the ongoing Euphrates Shield operation that is being conducted in northern Syria and currently intensified in al-Bab city, saying, "Turkey uses every means available to support the Turkish army in Syria."

The statement of the army came on the 122th day of the operation amid intense clashes of Turkish soldiers with Daesh terrorists.

"Our heroic soldiers are putting all their efforts against the terrorist elements and we support them and supply all their needs, "said the Ministry, adding, "The Turkish nation is of one heart with soldiers in Syria," the statement added.

'Don't accredit disinformation'

The Ministry said the operation is being conducted successfully and reminded the public not to accredit disinformation.

The Euphrates Shield operation was launched between the Turkish Armed Forces and the Free Syrian Army, with the aim to sweep Daesh from Syria, and has been running for 121 days.

The Euphrates Shield operation has neutralized more than 1,000 terrorists since its launch on August 24. Also, a 2,000-square-kilometer area has been cleared from terrorists so far.

#Operation Euphrates Shield
7 years ago