The 'time has come, open the Turkey front' order

09:2217/08/2015, الإثنين
U: 17/08/2015, الإثنين
İbrahim Karagül

The new wave of terrorism in Turkey is not like the previous ones. It seems that in addition to armed elements, this time, staff that came with the elections, financial sources and all kinds of logistics have also been activated in coordination with the new wave. In this round, terrorism is not managed from Qandil, but rather from Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) headquarters, municipality buildings, by those elected in local and general elections. One fights with Kalashnikovs, while the other us

The new wave of terrorism in Turkey is not like the previous ones. It seems that in addition to armed elements, this time, staff that came with the elections, financial sources and all kinds of logistics have also been activated in coordination with the new wave. In this round, terrorism is not managed from Qandil, but rather from Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) headquarters, municipality buildings, by those elected in local and general elections.

One fights with Kalashnikovs, while the other uses political power, public legitimacy, opportunities and logistics to fight its battles. The one in Parliament and staff in municipality buildings are shooting bullets from the position as the terrorist in the mountains. This is a state of war in which bomb shelters are built in mosques, municipality vehicles dig trenches and deputies transport weapons.

'OK, it is time,' they said

Taking into account the state in Iraq and the ambiguity in Syria, someone told them, “OK, it is time.” They ordered, “Open the Turkey front” of the grand operation that is gradually dragging the Middle East toward disaster. The Iraqification, Syriafication of Turkey was adjudicated.

The signal was given for the start of a total war. We can see that democratic discourses, the search for reconciliation, image campaigns are all exploited to prepare for today, that the suitability of the regional atmosphere was awaited, that the Turkey phase of map operations are started with the expansion of the movement area of the People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syria, and that a deadly wave of attacks commenced with Ankara's intensification and taking action in Syria.

Turkey's search for a safe zone, its latest operational attempt, cutting the north Syria corridor and PKK attacks and the HDP war have changed its ties into something other than a matter of debate. The U.S.'s “PKK is a terrorist organization, the YPG is an ally” discourse aims to make Turkey blind. There is a mutual front and this front has been completely re-formed against Turkey.

The 'invasion attempt' against Turkey has started

This is probably going to be an advanced definition, but an invasion attempt against Turkey has begun. This attempt, which was kick-started from the Iraq border, the Iranian border, will be started from the Syrian border once Turkey's influence of Syria weakens. Efforts in provinces for an autonomous administration, attempts to negate the government in areas of settlement, closing entrances-exists, gearing more for city wars rather than mountain wars, attempts to create areas that cannot be intervened are all indicators of this.

After the threat from Iraq's borders, Iran's borders are no longer safe either. The deep difference between the general opinion of Turkey and Iran on Syria and the region has caused Tehran to at least take pleasure in this situation. There is quite unfortunate information regarding this country's messages to the PKK and YPG. Yet it should not be forgotten that the same threat, wave of regional chaos will hit and destabilize Iran in the next step. Because we saw in the last 20 years that the occupation and separation strategy aimed at the region is not limited to countries, it is a regional project, and that there are plans to make the geography go through the 20th century all over again.

Retaliation attacks

We no longer have any reservations regarding this matter. Iran or another country using this grand project as camouflage and chasing its own national ambitions in the background will not be a permanent plan. Not only Iran, no country will escape destruction with such a plan. If Turkey is facing such a threat simply because it has been integrated with the West since 1950, Tehran should not be too confident about its latest deal with the West.

Today, Turkey is face to face with a retaliation attack against its attempts to become a national power, close its century-old tutelage bracket, and turn from its Atlantic dependency to its own free will. To be honest, the greatest threat to Turkey today is from its allies. The years-long secret support given to terrorism – particularly by European countries – has currently turned into open support and an anti-Turkey assault.

Plan to surround through terrorist organizations

For instance, the reborn German imperialism is this time openly targeting Turkey's areas of interest. We know that the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) is managed by this country. There are strong indications that in the recent period it has re-established strong ties with the PKK and is giving it support. We also know that this country has given open support to the Gezi revolt through these organizations, has invested in the wave of civil revolt in Turkey through street terrorism, is targeting this country's prime minister and is hosting a kind of Ukraine scenario.

With the West-Iran deal, a surrounding movement has been started against Turkey, old “allies and neighbors” have suddenly united terrorist organizations in the anti-Turkey front. A great mobilization has been started to restrict Turkey, concentrate it within itself, confine it within its borders, and disable it from moving or becoming involved with its surroundings, right at the end of a century-old tutelage. It is also interesting to see those who have been against the reconciliation process from the very start united in the same position.

Occupation is a greater threat than terrorism

The PKK, terrorist attacks and the newly started “invasion” trials will not be enough to get Turkey on its hands and knees. Sewing a dress for Turkey according to the Iraq and Syria samples will end up in disappointment. It is obvious that there has been an error in calculating this country's resistance. And since they know this, they started a simultaneous “civil invasion” attempt.

The real threat for Turkey is here. The real invasion attempt is not in the East, but the West; it is in Istanbul. A dangerous Turkey operation has started through central circles that have, up until now, supported all kinds of non-democratic methods, all kinds of dirty power plans. This is a “civil invasion” attempt, which was planned ahead of the June 7 elections through the HDP, and was even effective in the candidate profiles of both the HDP and CHP.

Terrorism is managed from here

The project was kick started through the Doğan Group's media outlets. We had realized the ethnic separation and the terror wave that would follow much before these media outlets. There was a plan targeting Turkey and this plan was presented through enmity toward the Justice and Development Party (AK Party). We saw that those attacking the AK Party are actually striking Turkey.

The invasion attempts started in the east and southeast and attempt to surround Turkey and get it on its hands and knees, and “civil invasion” plans carried out from these headquarters are all the same. Terrorism is no longer managed from Qandil, but from the headquarters of the HDP and these groups.

There is a strong partnership between terrorist organizations, Kurdish nationalism plans and the Alevi revolt plan, which they are considering starting, and the plans of these groups. Politicians buried in the obsessions, who still remain 20 years in the past, who try to market hysterical fits as intellectual products, and war-horse writers have participated in these retaliation attacks simply because of their personal grudges and plans.

They have the blood of martyrs on their hands

While Turkey is fighting against terrorism, settling scores with attempts of invasion through terrorism, perhaps it needs to settle scores more with this “civil invasion”. Because this front is no less dangerous than the terror front and is harming the country. They are using terror as their ace in the hole, their last bullet against Turkey, and showering this country in bullets. They, the network of relationships between their pro-tutelage sirs and terrorist organizations, can reveal the complete threat.

This country will never be free, local or strong before settling scores with them. Because they have reserved all their options to separation, conflict of identities, gaining strength from this conflict. They have been ordered to design the internal power structure through blackmail and threats to get Turkey down on its hands and knees for management by their pro-tutelage sirs.

Both terrorism and civil invasion are great attack movements started against our country. Hence, you need to focus your attention not only to Qandil, the source of painful news of martyrdoms, but also to these headquarters. These circles are involved in every pain, every loss, every attack this country suffers. They have the blood of martyrs on their hands.

You will be the ones left under the ruins

But they should not forget that in this fight, they will be the ones left under the ruins. They are the ones who will be left under the destroyed dams, exploded bridges, the trenches that are dug.

This country experienced one of the greatest disasters of the history of mankind in the early 20th century. It lost millions of it youth and sought asylum in the tight Anatolia. It has been struggling to remain on its feet for a century. Its resistance is very high. Its sacrifice knows no limits, but its anger is great. It is patient, but never forgets.

It will not forget those who openly support terrorism, those who market those who shoot at our people on their pages and screens.

We didn't call this “The Last War of Independence” for nothing!

#İbrahim Karagül

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