Don’t forget Jerusalem, just don’t forget it!

May 14 will be noted in history as a black day. History will not forget those who prepared this black day and never forgive those who supported it, even by implication. Even if forgetting is the solution to everything, the remedy to Jerusalem is not forgetting; it is keeping May 14 alive in minds at all times, not forgetting how we reached these days, and recognizing those who shed crocodile tears.

Jerusalem is a symbol

It must have been said a thousand times, let’s say it again. Muslims have had no problem with Judaism throughout history. One of the obligations of being a Muslim is believing in Judaism. Our insistence over Jerusalem is not a matter of Islam-Judaism. This matter is also not only the audacity of shameless U.S. President Donald Trump either. Essentially, it is the showdown of Catholics, who have lost their power, whose churches have no goers and who are concerned about this, with the Jews. Now, Evangelists have also joined this showdown with the hand of Trump. The church, which has been feeding the Muslim-Jew conflict for a century, with the fireball they threw in the middle of the Muslim world, is on a mission to regain respect with this.

There is no doubt that the biggest problem that has lapsed from the 20th century to the 21st century is the occupation of Palestine, the colonization of Israel. This issue, which has led to the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the displacement of millions of refugees, has been the subject of thousands of meetings, hundreds of decisions and dozens of agreements. Finally, it was turned into an unresolvable issue with the Oslo process that is the key to Zionist’s oppression.

Do not forget. Engrave in your memory not only what happened on May 14, but all the attacks, all the injustices Jerusalem encountered. Do not expect an immediate solution, but remember the whole past one more time today and redetermine your stance. Remind yourself that it is not possible to flourish with oppression.

Remember, Jerusalem is a symbol. It is the symbol of justice against oppression, truth against a lie, and the oppressed against the oppressor.

Zionism is a quagmire

Zionism is the idea to go to the promised lands that God would not even ordain for Prophet Moses and make it the land of Judaism. In other words, it is an attempt to rebel against God. Jews, who have never been accepted in Europe throughout history, have always kept their idea to seek a land for themselves alive. Napoleon Bonaparte, who expressed the idea to settle Jews in Palestine toward the end of the 18th century, and started the collapse of the Ottoman Empire with the attempt to occupy Egypt, flourished Jews’ hopes in this direction. In 1818, Mordehay Manual Noah expressed the idea of Zionism in the U.S., with Joseph Salvador doing the same in 1830 in France, and showed a target to the Jews. Hollingsworth in the U.K. and socialist Moses Hessile in Germany contributed to Chief Rabbi Hirsch Kalisherde’s ideas on Zionism.

The Alliance Israelite community that fed on these ideas and adopted Zionism as an ideology opened a school of agriculture near Yafa and established a society called “Siyon Muhibban” there and took the first steps of the oppression. From that moment onward, the Jewish capital in the U.S. and Europe utilized its entire strength and time on its policy to colonize Palestine.

Theodor Herlz, who is known as the father of Zionism, would base his ideas both on the thoughts produced before him and Jewish capital. Herzl published a book in 1896 titled, “The Jewish State,” and revealed the ideas and plans of Jews to found a state outside Europe thus pleasing the anti-Semitists in Europe. This way they would be shooting two birds with one stone. They would both shoo the Jews they hate from Europe and light a fire in the heart of the Ottoman Empire, which was fighting to survive in those years.

Not forgetting Sultan Abdülhamid

Great support was given to the Zionist congresses that convened in various cities of Europe. Herlz came to Istanbul a few times and indirectly demanded land in Palestine from Sultan Abdülhamid II. As a matter of fact, even though he used German Emperor Wilhelm II in this request, he could not succeed. Despite the appealing proposals made, Abdülhamid II’s stance slowed down Jewish migration to Palestine. If Palestine still has very little land left and if it has the hope that Jerusalem will be liberated one day, it is thanks to the sultan’s stance back in that day. Thus, never forget the stance of Abddülhamid II who refused all the appealing proposals made, without even feeling the need to listen.

Herlz, who met with world leaders and got their support to find a homeland for Jews until his death in 1904, only took a step back against Abdülhamid II’s stance. Another plan was activated because of this. Some Ottoman citizens, who were Armenians, Greeks and Jews, were supported and, via the companies established, they were enabled to own more land. Then, Jewish colonies were established on Palestinian lands with illegal Jewish migrants. Just like they did today, a great siege was actualized from the inside. The limited number of traitors they bought off were activated. Thus, the problem was developed until World War I. The present process was launched with the Balfour declaration, the last move made in the war years. While millions were being displaced, Israel was founded on blood and tears. For the last 70 years, the seeds of hatred were sown not only in the hearts of Muslims but also in the consciences of humanity.

The parties of the problem, the Palestinians were divided, and the Arabs were divided. While the Arab community continues to maintain its sensitivity, leaders are concerned about protecting their own power. Defending the oppressed whose voices have risen to the sky is on Turkey again.

Thus, remove the obstacles in you and hear the screams of the oppressed. Do not be hopeless, remember your responsibility and make your stance clear. Protect the trust of Omar, of Salahaddin al-Ayyubi, of Sultan Selim the Grim, of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, of Abdülhamid II.

Jerusalem is waiting for you. It awaits you tomorrow.

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