
Over 350 PKK terrorists ‘neutralized’ in Turkey, northern Iraq

Terrorists neutralized during counter-terrorism operations inside, outside of country since March 10

Ersin Çelik
14:01 - 28/03/2018 Wednesday
Update: 14:03 - 28/03/2018 Wednesday
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The Turkish army “neutralized” 357 PKK terrorists across Turkey and northern Iraq over the last 17 days, according to information compiled by Anadolu Agency.

Turkish officials often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

On March 10, Turkish border and brigade command posts in the southeastern Hakkari province launched an air-backed operation into PKK terror camps in northern Iraq.

According to information tallied by Anadolu Agency, at least 357 PKK terrorists were “neutralized” during domestic and cross-border operations.

Out of that total, 67 PKK terrorists -- including senior members -- were neutralized in northern Iraq’s Hakurk and Kani Rash regions, while another 41 were neutralized in its Qandil region, where the terrorist group keeps its headquarters.

In Turkey’s southeastern Mardin province, security forces neutralized eight terrorists in Nusaybin following an armed cross-border attack from northern Syria.

In Batman in southeastern Turkey, three more terrorists were neutralized, including one Iraqi national.

The terrorist, codenamed “Agit,” was later identified as having prepared a terrorist attack last June which killed Senay Aybuke Yalcin, a 22-year-old music teacher.

In operations backed by drones armed and unarmed, Turkish soldiers also seized hundreds of weapons and pieces of ammunition.

Among them were 211 heavy and long-barreled weapons, nearly 105,000 pieces of ammunition, 402 hand grenades, and 1,748 kilograms of explosive-making material.

Separately, 324 caves and shelters used by PKK terrorists were destroyed during the operations.

At least 1,059 people were arrested for their suspected terror propaganda and aiding terrorist organizations.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU. In over 30 years of violence against Turkey, more than 40,000 people have been killed.

The group uses northern Iraq’s mountainous border region to launch attacks on Turkey and has its main base at Mt. Qandil, near the Iraq-Iran border.

#357 PKK terrorists
#Kani Rash
#northern Iraq
6 years ago