
Turkey's PM assures Syrian refugees 'these dark days are going to pass'

Turkey's Prime Minister Yıldırım spoke about the kinship between Turkey and Syria

Ersin Çelik
16:19 - 31/12/2016 Cumartesi
Update: 16:22 - 31/12/2016 Cumartesi
Yeni Şafak

Turkey's Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım spoke in Turkey's southern border city of Kilis on Saturday. Yıldırım spoke about Turkey's relations with Syria to a mixed crowd of the Turkish people and Syrian refugees.

“We are all children of the same civilization. Just as we are brothers, so too are our cities. Turkey brokered the evacuation of 46,000 Aleppans from a war-torn city. Turkey heard the calls of the people of Syria,” Yıldırım said.

Turkey played an important role in reaching the ceasefire deal that allowed civilians and opposition fighters to evacuate beseiged Aleppo. The successful evacuation was followed by a nationwide ceasefire implemented at midnight on December 29.

“We were the first country to do all in our power to help. We did what brotherhood calls for. We have evacuated 46,000 Aleppans and saved them from being massacred, and transported them to the safety of Idlib. They are being taken care of in tent cities, and Turkey is sending all kinds of aid,” Yıldırım added.

Humanitarian aid organizations from Turkey are carrying out vital aid work in Idlib. Convoys of semi-trailers carrying medical supplies, clothing and other aid supplies traveled from Turkey to Idlib.

“We will eliminate terrorists in Syria and Turkey that are threatening the people. The country that will account for the attrocities in Syria is Turkey, even if the rest of the world falls deaf and blind,” said Yıldırım.

“Syrians are the biggest group of refugees. One in five refugees globally is Syrian. They have abandoned their homes because of the war raging at home. Turkey is home to every three in five refugee Syrians,” he continued.

Turkey has received global recognition for its response to Syria.

“Unfortunately, powerful countries are standing beside the oppressors instead of being on the side of justice,” the Prime Minister commented.

Yıldırım assured the crowd, “These dark days are going to pass. We are going to work hard and propel our countries forward.”

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