
22 Daesh terrorists killed in Syrian operation: Turkish military

Twenty-two Daesh terrorists killed, 111 terrorist targets destroyed in northern Syria in Euphrates Shield operation, Turkish Armed Forces says

Ersin Çelik
09:43 - 2/01/2017 Monday
Update: 10:55 - 2/01/2017 Monday
Yeni Şafak

The Turkish Armed Forces has said that 22 Daesh terrorists were killed in the ongoing Euphrates Shield operation, which is being conducted to sweep away the Daesh and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)- affiliated terrorists in northern Syria.

The operation was conducted by Turkish warplanes in the al-Bab, Bzagah and Tadif districts of Syria.

Additionally, 111 terrorist targets were destroyed, the military statement added.

The Euphrates Shield operation was launched between the Turkish Armed Forces and the Free Syrian Army, with the aim to sweep Daesh from Syria.

An area of over 2,100-square-kilometers has been cleared of terrorists so far.

#Euphrates Shield
7 years ago