The terrorism of US, UK and France

10:2420/09/2018, Thursday
U: 20/09/2018, Thursday
Selçuk Türkyılmaz

Those dismissive of conspiracy theories should first explain the striking of Russian-controlled points in Syria’s Latakia before the ink of the agreement signed between Turkey and Russia regarding Idlib had even dried.The consensus between Turkey and Russia on Syria at a certain level seems to substantially exasperate some regional and global actors. This agreement, which can stop the Syrian war ongoing since 2011, opens up an area for regime opponents in a region including Idlib. Western imperi

Those dismissive of conspiracy theories should first explain the striking of Russian-controlled points in Syria’s Latakia before the ink of the agreement signed between Turkey and Russia regarding Idlib had even dried.

The consensus between Turkey and Russia on Syria at a certain level seems to substantially exasperate some regional and global actors. This agreement, which can stop the Syrian war ongoing since 2011, opens up an area for regime opponents in a region including Idlib. Western imperialist powers and their representative Israel, which have constricted the Muslim world in a snare of terrorism, were unable to tolerate the idea of peace and tranquility in Syria. America-Israel and the United Kingdom, which have paved the way for globalization of the war in Syria as of 2011, created a legitimate (!) ground for modern imperialism in the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean, and disguised its activities for the next hundred years.

Turkey had difficulties producing a permanent policy during the days when terror organizations like the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ), the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) were running amok. The aforementioned organizations have paralyzed decision-making mechanisms since they were active in political channels in Turkey. Even the simplest of problems were unsolvable, or those who demonstrated the will of a solution were punished. As the conflict in Syria and Iraq prevailed, legitimate representatives were declared as terror elements. This created a wide area of maneuver for Israel-America and England.

The fact that the FETÖ leader presented Israel as the legitimate authority was not simply a stance towards the "Mavi Marmara" incident. Descriptive concepts draw from actual situations. On the one hand, the legitimate opponents in Syria were weakened, while an area was opened for Daesh and the PKK/PYD. Britain-Israel-America-FETÖ-PKK did their best to maintain the chaos. Thus, they skewed descriptive concepts as they pleased. There is a wide audience in Turkey that benefited from this distortion. But no one had ever predicted that the Astana process would crack the door open to regional hope in Sochi following the Tehran Summit. When the actual situation began to go out of control for modern imperialism, they failed to market the concepts of terror and terrorists they had formed over the years. America and Britain did not hesitate to take steps to reinforce the image of Israel as a terror state. This is a development which necessitates close attention for the Jews who are trying to distance themselves from Zionism.

Erdoğan's sensitivity at the Tehran Summit will have a long-lasting impact on world public opinion. Turkey is committed to the development of peace and stability starting from its own region. Erdoğan is forcing Russia and Iran towards regional peace and stability. Even the possibility of regional peace and stability has unmasked the Israeli, U.S. and British policy of making way for elements of terror and chaos. It would not be surprising to see organizations like FETÖ-PKK-PYD-Daesh taking actions that will further strengthen the image of Israel as a terror state. This is indicated by the fact that Israel bombed Latakia to intimidate parties immediately after the Sochi agreement was reached. Initially, France was suspected when Latakia was bombed, but Israel claimed the responsibility for the illegitimate act of terror. We can't deem it as simply taking responsibility. Russia's first statements revealed the traces of an outburst against Israel, but in a short amount of time these events were covered up.

England, America-Israel and France did not expect that Turkey and Russia would reach an agreement. Reports that Russia and the U.S. had come to an agreement on Syria were even being circulated among the Turkish public. Such reports would provoke delicate sentiments in the public since it would remind them of the famous Sykes-Picot agreement during World War I. Thus, it would create a feeling of insecurity and anxiety among the public and damage the confidence in Turkey.

It is seen that Israel-America, Britain and France are in no way concerned with the humanitarian disaster in Syria and are taking a terror-related stance. To this end, they did not hesitate to intimidate the parties of the Sochi agreement. When the conspiracy plotted in the past, namely the "principal stratagem," was ruined they encouraged Israel toward terror activities. This reveals that Israel is a pawn in the West's policy toward the Muslim world.

We can assume that they are seriously panicking.


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