July 15 Coup Attempt Kader Sivri

Kader Sivri

Kader Sivri was shot in his chest and arm by FETÖ members on the night of the coup attempt. He was unable to receive medical attention right away because the coup supporters had blocked the roads. He reached martyrdom on the scene.

Sivri went into the streets after learning about the July 15th coup attempt, without listening to the warnings of his mother and wife Yüksel Sivri. Sivri met with his friends on the road and headed to the Çengelköy Police Headquarters. Putschist soldiers took many police officers and citizens in the headquarters as hostages. Traitors shot at Sivri as he was trying to save the hostages. A G3 bullet fired by putschist soldiers hit him on the right side of his chest and arm. As his friend was trying to save him, the Putschists shot again. Sivri was taken to the hospital after the shooting. He kept reciting the shahada on the way to the hospital.

When Kader Sivri arrived at the hospital, there were no doctors there. Roads were blocked due to the coup attempt by the FETÖ members and doctors were unable to do their jobs. For this reason, medical attention was delayed. Sivri was transferred to the Ümraniye Education and Research Hospital but his heart stopped on the way there and CPR was performed. Even though his heart started beating again, he was not able to survive.

Sivri’s body was brought to the Forensics Medical Institution in Yenibosna. His body was buried on Monday, July 18th.

Sivri, who was originally from Rize, had gone to his hometown for the holiday. He was going to go back to work on Monday. Kadir Sivri, Kader’s brother, said he did not know why his brother went back to Istanbul before his vacation ended. Sivri worked as a driver in the insurance department of a private company.

Sivri who died a martyr’s death at the age of 42, was married with two children.

The name of Martyr Kader Sivri was given to a kindergarten and a middle school in Üsküdar, Istanbul.

Barricades set up by civilians hindered putschists
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Barricades set up by civilians hindered putschists
Yeni Şafak
The putschists who invaded Çengelköy’s Çınaraltı café later headed toward the Sabancı Police Station. The civilians who wanted to hinder the putschists closed the road to the police station with barricades. Upon seeing this, the putschists rained bullets on the citizens. Many people were targeted.

The President’s home visit to the family of martyr Kader Sivri
After Friday prayer, President Erdoğan visited the family of Kader Sivri, who died a martyr on July 15.

After Friday prayer, President Erdoğan visited the family of Kader Sivri, who died a martyr on July 15.

The president gave his condolences to the family.

The president gave his condolences to the family.

The president spoke with the family.

The president spoke with the family.

He presented a Quran as a gift to the martyr’s family.

He presented a Quran as a gift to the martyr’s family.



The President’s home visit to the family of martyr Kader Sivri
President Erdoğan visited July 15 martyr Kader Sivri’s family.

The children of martyrs
The children of martyrs
Many of the martyrs were married with children. The age range of children left without a parent was between 7 to 17.

Istanbul's July 15 Martyrs
Istanbul's July 15 Martyrs