Election CHP Election Promises 14 May 2023 | AK Party Election Manifesto

CHP Election Manifesto

CHP Chairman Kemal Kilicdaroglu, 37. In the Ordinary Congress “2. A Call to the Century Declaration," he explained. according to the 13-point declaration, a new constitution will be made for the transition to a democratic parliamentary system. Here's 2. Declaration of the Call to the Century: We will move to a democratic parliamentary system strengthened by a new constitution. First of all, a new constitution will be made, far from any kind of guardianship, far from coup law, in which a broad social consensus will be achieved. The party and biased presidential practice will be terminated. The necessary control mechanisms will be established based on the separation of powers, judicial independence will be ensured. While the draft laws and proposals are being discussed in the Parliamentary commissions, the opinions of relevant professional organizations, non-governmental organizations and experts will definitely be taken. Snatched away, there is no escaping the law. Freedom of expression, association and the press shall be guaranteed unconditionally. The pressure on the profession and civil society will be put to an end. Media freedom will be guaranteed to a universal extent. All problems, especially the Kurdish problem, will be solved under the leadership of the Grand National Assembly on the basis of democracy. Turkey's full independence, democracy and unitary structure will be strengthened. Equality of opportunity between men and women will be ensured, and the prevention of violence against women will be made a priority state policy. In order to make social peace permanent, the fight against all terrorist organizations and underground criminal organizations will be continued without compromise. We will bring democracy to this country until the end. The merit system will be based on the state administration and the social system. All appointments will be based on merit, government service will be prevented from being performed for interest purposes, service will be given to the citizen, not to the supporter. It will be government policy to give the job to the people. The election law will change, the nation will elect the nation's representative. What is essential in democracies is the reflection of the national will to the parliament as it is. The election threshold, which is the work of September 12, will be lifted, and the will of the nation will be fully reflected in the parliament. With the amendment of the election law, a gender quota will be introduced, and women's representation in parliament will be legally guaranteed. Women deputies from the CHP will sign and submit this proposal to the Parliament. The gender quota will be introduced as a legal obligation and all parties will have to comply with it, women will get the place they deserve in parliament. The law on political morality will be enacted, politics will be Decontaminated from pollution, and trust between citizens and politicians will be rebuilt. The reputation of the deputies elected by the nation and the parliament will be returned. The Public Procurement Authority will be reorganized to ensure competition and transparency. It will be ensured that all public tenders will be made with a transparent, public, non-nepotism understanding. The Court of Accounts will be restored to its true function. A final account commission will be established in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The national tax council will be established and its reports will be published in the official gazette every year. The chairman of the final accounts commission will be from the opposition. A strong strategic planning organization will be established. Production and fair sharing will be the main goal of strategic planning. The planning organization will consider agriculture as a strategic sector. The education system will be restructured with the joint efforts of all components. The only goal of the education policies will be to raise a generation that is free of ideas and free of conscience. All kinds of scientific studies will be carried out, the Council of Higher Education brought by the coup plotters will be abolished. Job-guaranteed boarding technology high schools will be established in all organizational industrial zones and the workforce required by the industrialist will be created. Ecosystem rights will be protected for future generations. We are the first to voice this as a political party. We also have the right to see birds, trees, forests, the sea, the sun. It is our duty to transfer this right to future generations as well. Family support insurance will be established, no child will go to bed hungry in this land. Citizens will see state benefits as their right. A new central-local balance will be created. The revenues of local governments will be increased. Trustee practices will be put an end to, and it will be ensured that mayors who come by election will leave only by election. The Middle East Peace and Cooperation Organization will be established. A foreign policy that attaches importance to international law and legitimacy, which does not deviate from rational, peaceful realism, will be pursued. Ataturk called it 'peace at home, peace in the world'. The Middle East Peace Cooperation Organization (OBIT), which aims to create peace and stability in our region, where Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey will be the founding members, will be established. We will turn the Middle East into an island of peace and tranquility.