Election Memleket Election Promises 14 May 2023 | AK Party Election Manifesto

Memleket Election Manifesto

Presidential candidate and leader of the Homeland Party, Muharrem Ince, outlined what he will do when he comes to power shortly before the elections. Here are the highlights from the Homeland Party's election manifesto: - We will protect our Republic, which represents and implements the national sovereignty ideal, with unwavering belief. - We will ensure that all authorities acting on behalf of the state comply with the constitution, carry out actions and transactions in accordance with the law, and be subject to judicial review. - We will adhere to the principle of equality before the law and not grant any privileges to any person, family, class, or community. - We will prevent the consolidation of powers in one hand by ensuring the separation of powers and make the balance and control mechanisms effective. - We will return to the essence of the basic goals and principles of the rule of law and re-establish the principle of the supremacy of law and respect for human rights. - We will develop projects that increase awareness of human rights, fundamental rights, and freedoms among society, individuals, public officials, and the public opinion. - We will increase the effectiveness of human rights institutions and civil society organizations. - We will provide the widest possible freedom of religion and conscience. - We will fight against divisive actions and speeches based on language, religion, sect, ethnic identity, gender, and political thought. - We will never compromise on torture and ill-treatment. - We will guarantee freedom of expression and press. - We will restructure the education system in the light of Ataturk's principles. - With the separate attachment of the Armed Forces and the General Staff to the Ministry of National Defense, our army's unity has been disrupted, the strict command chain has been broken, and the authority of the Chief of General Staff has been curtailed. We will attach the General Staff Presidency to the Ministry of National Defense and the Force Commands to the General Staff Presidency. - We will establish military courts again to regulate the disrupted military judiciary system. In military cases, we will turn the Military Supreme Court into a department of the Court of Cassation and the Military High Administrative Court into a department of the Council of State as the highest decision-making authority. - We will strengthen the military education system by attaching the War Schools to the forces and reopening military high schools. - The transfer of military hospitals to the Ministry of Health is wrong. We will reopen the critical ones and transfer them back to the Ministry of National Defense. - The army appointment system has been disrupted, and the High Military Council (YAŞ) has been filled with relevant and irrelevant civilians. We will change the YAŞ structure, which is open to political intervention. -We will implement policies and regulations that will pave the way for technological transformation and innovation, which will not restrict freedom of thought and expression, protect personal data, ensure transparency, equal opportunities, and a fair competition environment, create social trust, and prioritize benefits for all stakeholders in a respectful, sustainable, and inclusive manner in line with digital ethical values. -To be able to take our deserved place in Industry 5.0, we will increase the share of R&D investments in GDP to the level of countries producing advanced technology. -We will ensure that all public services are available on the e-government platform, except for services that require face-to-face communication. -By focusing not only on production processes but also on pre- and post-production processes, we will increase the added value brought by digital transformation. -Taking into account the fact that Türkiye is among the world's most backward countries in terms of media quality and freedom, we will attach importance to a free media structure that will ensure that the public receives accurate and impartial news. -We will transform RTÜK, which has become a tool of pressure and censorship over the media, into an institution that no longer serves as a stick of politics over the media.