Forty-six PKK terrorists neutralized in one week

Ersin Çelik
14:0718/09/2017, Monday
U: 18/09/2017, Monday
Yeni Şafak
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Ministry of Interior Affairs announces that 46 PKK terrorists were neutralized in the past week

The Ministry of Interior Affairs stated that 1,126 operations were conducted by the Gendarmerie Special Operation Forces (JÖH), Police Special Operation Forces (PÖH), Gendarmerie Command Units and Internal Security forces targeting terrorists.

As a result of these operations, a total of 4,442 people were taken into custody; 963 (103 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), 32 Daesh, 774 Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) /Democratic Union Party and 54 extreme left terrorists) for aiding, abetting and having connections to terrorist organizations; 2,991 for drug and trafficking crimes and 488 more for public peace and traffic violations.

Twenty-nine terrorists killed

In operations conducted during the past week, 29 of the 46 terrorists neutralized were killed, 11 surrendered and six more were captured alive.

Additionally, 28 shelters and caves used by terrorists in nine cities (eight in Tunceli, eight in Hakkari, five in Şırnak, two in Diyarbakır, one each in Mardin, Iğdır, Sivas, Siirt, Bingöl) were destroyed.

Also, security personnel captured 134 hand grenades, 191 kilograms (421 pounds) of bomb-making material and 34 heavy weapons.

Separately, a soldier was martyred during an operation against the PKK terrorist group in southeastern Mardin province on Monday, according to a military source.


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