After the so-called coup declaration was read out on TRT, people started gathering in front of TRT Headquarters in Ulus, Istanbul. They resisted the coup-plotters who opened fire on them and they entered the TRT building along with the Labor and Social Security Minister Süleyman Soylu and police teams. Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ)-member soldiers who dispersed to the different parts of the campus were taken into custody. After recovering from the occupation, TRT resumed its normal broadcasts.
Putschist soldiers carried out airstrikes when they failed to cut broadcasts on TÜRKSAT, Turkey's top satellite network. Pilot Hüseyin Türk bombed the TRT campus four times in four minutes, damaging antennas and a great number of devices. It was also Colonel Ahmet Tosun who gave the order to attack TÜRKSAT.
Putschist soldiers raided CNN Türk headquarters at 03.27 a.m. There was a brawl between security officers, staff and putschist soldiers who went to the floor of live broadcast studios, cut the broadcast and removed presenters, satellite staff and cameramen.
One of the most critical points of the coup attempt was the Kazan district of Ankara. People who heard the coup attempt came in front of the city hall with Turkish flags. Some 2,000 people from Kazan flocked into the 4th Main Jet Base Command, after they heard that helicopters and fighter jets which bombed a number of targets in Ankara had taken off from that base. As they neared the base in an attempt to prevent fighter jets from taking off, coup-plotters opened fire on them and conducted low-altitude flights to discourage them.
Prime Minister Yıldırım made statement after statement about the coup attempt and connected to NTV’s live broadcast around 03.10 a.m. He announced that all kinds of military helicopters and aircraft conducting forbidden low-altitude flights over critical institutions such as the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the Presidential Palace and the Prime Ministry in Ankara would be downed by rockets.
Colonel Ahmet Tosun ordered putschist soldiers to bomb many places in Ankara, as well as ordering them to attack the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for the second time. Pilot Hüseyin Türk dropped the bomb. Following the attack, Parliamentary Speaker İsmail Kahraman and deputies at the General Assembly went down to the shelter.
President Erdoğan called the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) group deputy chairman İlknur İnceöz, who is a deputy from the Aksaray province, and boosted the morale of deputies at the shelter by calling them by phone.
Three hours after the first attack, the Ankara Police Headquarters was bombed for the second time by helicopters and fighter jets that were used by putschist soldiers.
Parliament bombed for the second time
President Erdoğan spoke with the deputies in the Parliament’s shelter
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey sustained heavy damage, with the plaster of ceilings falling and doors being dismantled from their places. During the talks on the 2017 budget after the coup attempt, it was recorded that the damage on the assembly amounted to TL 11, 818,317.
Second bomb at Ankara Security Directorate
We have faith, nobody can defeat Turks
We caused a hay fire according to the direction of the wind to stop the traitors
I am happy despite my wound and my husband becoming a martyr
The name of the Turkish people is strength and faith
What would happen if the Italian Parliament was bombed?
Life is useless without a country