The majority of those martyred on the night of July 15 while resisting the coup bid were married with children. As many as 355 people were left without a parent, including 264 children.

Democracy watches were launched across Turkey's 81 provinces after the coup attempt and lasted for days. Millions of civilians from ages 7 to 70 participated in the democracy watches, which were most crowded after work hours, but in the first light of the morning, the squares were not empty.

Symbols of resistance that were used in democracy watches held across Turkey were always the same. The flags, anthems, slogans and food at the democracy watches became symbols of Turkey's resistance against the coup.

During the July 15 coup attempt, 92 of the 248 martyrs went out to the streets after the call of President Erdoğan. After the critical call of the president, the streets were filled.

The data, including the structuring of FETÖ in 100 countries, active in 170 countries in the world, gives the number of establishments such as schools, associations, foundations, financial resources and media that can be determined. The total number of detectable FETÖ establishments is 1470.

Fetullah Gülen, the leader of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), delivered sermons between 1953 and 1991. In 38 years Gülen, who is responsible for the July 15 coup bid, delivered speeches in numerous mosques.

The total number of the institutions of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) is 1470. FETÖ is operating in 170 countries via its institutions.

Since the 1980’s, judicial institutions have become FETÖ’s most strategic targets of infiltration activities as it attempted to seize control over the government. Once within the judiciary, a member of FETÖ would mentor and assign judges and prosecutors, and during the 2000s, they would sign on a large number of operations.

Within the first 4 hours of the July 15th coup attempt, 1,671 million users accessed Yeni Şafak’s Twitter account. A total of 59 news stories were shared 9,265 times. The same posts also garnered 6,924 likes and reached 18,625 clicks.

FETÖ's 40 year plan was revealed after the July 15 coup attempt.

FETÖ, which is active in 170 countries in the world, is most developed in Germany and the U.S. In these two countries alone, there are 794 FETÖ-linked institutions.

From the beginning of the 1970s, Fetullah Gülen launched a campaign to infiltrate organizations such as the army, judiciary, and the police force.

FETÖ has horizontal and vertical expansion within its own financial structure. Businessmen who acted with the instructions of Gülen since the 1980s have been active in the education, construction, and transportation sector, and especially in the media.

248 soldiers, police and civilians fell as martyrs in FETÖ's coup attempt on July 15. The provinces with the highest number of martyrs were Istanbul and Ankara. Many of the martyrs were married civilians.

The democracy watches were launched across Turkey's 81 provinces following the July 15 coup attempt. Over 5 million citizens participated in the Democracy and Martyrs Rally held in Yenikapi.

Warplanes, tanks and helicopters were used by putschists during the coup attempt.

In the 15 July resistance, a total of 248 people, from 59 provinces, fell as martyrs. The five cities that had the most martyrs were Ankara, Istanbul, Yozgat, Çorum and Rize .

Of the 248 citizens killed in the coup attempt, 70 were soldiers and policemen. The 171 martyrs who came to the streets to repel the coup were civilian citizens of different professions.

Petty Officer Omer Halisdemir wrote history at the Special Forces Command, which was one of the most critical points of the coup attempt. Halisdemir, who shot putschıst Brigadier Semih Terzi from his forehead, fell as a martyr with the bullets of the traitors.

On the first business days following the coup attempt following the closing of markets on Friday, July 15, the BIST 100 index lost value, the euro and the dollar gained against the TL.

General Semih Terzi, one of the senior officers to take part in the coup attempt, attempted to seize the Special Forces Command in Ankara and was shot dead by Officer Ömer Halisdemir. Attention is drawn to the arrival of Terzi in Ankara before the event that changed the course of the coup attempt.

Within the first 48 hours of the July 15 coup attempt, the Yeni Safak's Twitter account's most interactive content with 5,471 likes and 4,074 shares was the video titled 'Millions of people said amen to the Kaba imam's prayer for Turkey'.

On the night of July 15, search engines, as well as social media platforms, were widely used. That night the word 'coup' was among the most searched words in the world.

Within the first 48 hours of the July 15 coup attempt, 203,916,875 people reached the Yeni Şafak Facebook account. Readers shared 376 news articles that received 2,472,578 likes, 621,528 shares, and 132,582 comments.

During the first 48 hours of the coup attempt on July 15, the video shared by Yeni Şafak's Facebook account titled "The Major who scolded FETÖ generals and soldiers who wanted to take 200 tanks out to the streets of Ankara after capturing them" received a total of 216,765 likes and 11,304 comments.

Social media also had a great contribution to the repression of FETÖ's coup attempt. Millions of people found out about the coup attempt on Twitter and went to the streets to repel it. The number of tweets sent on July 15 was 35 times higher than the average. A total of 495,000 shares were made on Twitter within 4 hours.

The distribution of those who were discharged from their duty in institutions such as the Ministry of Education, Security Directorate, and parliament.

The allies of FETÖ, which is responsible for the July 15 coup attempt.

Burial places of 248 heroes martyred during the July 15 coup attempt.

Many of the martyrs were married with children. The age range of children left without a parent was between 7 to 17.

A video titled 'My brother, you're free' that was shared on Yeni Şafak's Facebook account in the aftermath of the July 15 coup attempt received 9.516 million views and was shared 1116,588 times in the first 48 hours.

During the first 48 hours of the July 15th coup attempt, a total of 376 news stories shared by the Yeni Şafak Facebook page received 203,875,000 reactions, including 2.472 million likes, 621,528 shares and 132,582 comments.

During the first 48 hours of the July 15th coup attempt, a total of 27,630,000 people accessed the Yeni Şafak Twitter page, and a total of 550 news stories garnered 106,881 favorites, 98,522 retweets, receiving 377,985 clicks in total.