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The flight record of an F-16 aircraft using the call sign “Kobra67” that were entrusted with the task of tracking down President Erdoğan’s aircraft were revealed. It was determined that this F-16 took off at 11:55 p.m. from Balıkesir, flew over Istanbul and landed back in Balıkesir on 1:05 a.m. The F-16 had two radars and heat seeking missiles.

According to flight records, there was heavy war craft air traffic over Ankara’s skies on the night of the coup attempt.

Flight records also point to similar heavy traffic over İncirlik Air Base. It was detected that squirts taking off from İncirlik delivered fuel to putschist aircraft.

Flight records also show similar heavy traffic over İncirlik Air Base. It was detected that squirts taking off from İncirlik delivered fuel to aircraft used in the coup attempt. Fuel transfers were also indicated in the flight records.

Special Operations Command aircraft, which took off from Diyarbakır and landed in Ankara, according to flight records, was carrying the FETÖ Brig. Gen. Semih Terzi, who was shot and killed by Sergeant Ömer Halisdemir, who also lost his life during the coup attempt.

According to flight records, there was heavy air traffic in the skies above Istanbul and Ankara.

It was determined that many helicopters flew over and around İmralı Island. Heavy helicopter air traffic were detected over İmralı Island at different times.

It was found that the helicopters were densely crowded around İmralı Island. The air traffic of different helicopters was reflected on the records at different times on İmralı Island.

It was found that the helicopters were densely crowded around İmralı Island. The air traffic of different helicopters was reflected on the records at different times on İmralı Island.

It was found that the helicopters were densely crowded around İmralı Island. The air traffic of different helicopters was reflected on the records at different times on İmralı Island.

Helicopters also frequently flew over and around the province of Muğla.

Flight records also show similar heavy traffic over İncirlik Air Base. It was detected that squirts taking off from İncirlik delivered fuel to aircraft used in the coup attempt. Fuel transfers were also indicated in the flight records.

Helicopters also flew over and around the province of Ankara.


In the two attacks of the putschists, 47 police were martryed.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

Of the targets of the putschists in Ankara, Gölbaşı Special Forces received the most casualties.

When the coup attempt emerged, all police officers of the Ankara Police Department were called to duty.
The Ankara Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was bombed twice by putschist pilots on the night of July 15.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The police were shot with F-16s at the control of treacherous submersibles while preparing to go to the operation of the building like General Staff and General Command of Gendarmerie.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

Hundreds of police were gathered at the Gölbaşı Special Operations Center.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.

The damage to the Gölbaşı Special Forces Education Center was unveiled with the first light of day.
The bombing, which killed 47 police officers, was captured by a citizen.

1 Two tanks and five armored personnel carriers from the 66th Armored Mechanized Infantry Brigade Commend arrived at Vatan Avenue where Istanbul Police Headquarters is located.
2 Security forces and civilians pulled an earth-mover horizontally to block the tanks on Vatan Avenue from entering the Istanbul Police Headquarters.

Police took one colonel and three soldiers into custody on Vatan Avenue.

5 Mithat Aynacı was the Istanbul Security Branch manager for six months during the Gezi Park protests and then was transferred to Gebze Provincial Police Headquarters as an assistant chief. Aynacı had been suspended from his duties on Nov. 1, 2015, due to claims that he was a FETÖ member, but he won the lawsuit he filed and returned to duty. However, he was not promoted for a new duty and was arrested after being taken into custody from the tank he was in on Vatan Avenue.

4 The former assistant chief of Istanbul Security Branch, Mithat Aynacı, who did not return despite the resistance from the public, was taken into custody.

3 The tanks on Vatan Avenue returned to the 66th Armored Mechanized Infantry Brigade Command when they realized that the police forces and the public were resisting.

Tanks in the garden of Ankara Police Headquarters used by FETÖ soldiers were taken to the barracks by military trucks.

4 During the armed clashes, which lasted for seven hours, coup soldier entered the headquarters with tanks.

6 After the resistance, which continued until 5:13 a.m., six tanks under the control of coup soldiers were seized and the soldiers were taken into custody.

Tanks in the garden of Ankara Police Headquarters used by FETÖ soldiers were taken to the barracks by military trucks.

9 The damage to the building from being bombed became clear in the morning.

The damage to the building from being bombed became clear in the morning.

5 There were many fires at the headquarters. The coup soldiers’ first targets were the Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Branch Directorates.

3 F-16s controlled by coup pilots bombed the police headquarters, which was also under fire from tanks and helicopters.

Tanks in the garden of Ankara Police Headquarters used by FETÖ soldiers were taken to the barracks by military trucks.

1 On July 15, coup soldiers attacked Ankara Police Headquarters with six tanks, Skorsky helicopters and F-16s.

2 Coup soldiers tried to seize Ankara Police Headquarters, which was the center of operations against the FETÖ coup attempt.

Traitors killed two police officers and injured 13 people.

The damage to the building from being bombed became clear in the morning.

Tanks ran over cars parked in the parking lot.

1 The security cameras at the Moda Sea Club recorded the moment coup soldiers entered.

2 Coup soldiers were fully equipped and entered the wedding firing into the air and started handcuffing the generals.

5 Four machine guns, approximately 6,000 bullets and anti-missile systems were loaded onto two helicopters.

4 A raid was organized with two helicopters and six military vehicles and six teams of seven soldiers from Konya 3rd Main Jet Base Command.

3 After soldiers searched people at the wedding, they took Air Forces Commander Abidin Ünal and other commanders captive.

6 The 135th MAK Fleet commander, Lt. Col. Alparslan Şahin had arranged the raid.

Coup soldiers firing on civilians.

The people entered the İBB building after they heard gunshots.

The people who gathered outside of the İBB building, which was the scene of some of the severest clashes in Istanbul, took shelter by lying down after soldiers started firing.

Coup soldiers started arriving in front of the İBB building and military vehicles were deployed.

Civilians destroyed two military vehicles deployed in front of the İBB building and 17 municipality workers lost their lives in the clashes there.

İBB Civil Defense Secretary Mehmet Tunç welcomed coup soldiers at the door.

İBB Civil Defense Secretary Mehmet Tunç’s son, Ömer Tunç, who is a manager at the İBB Logistics Support Center, also came to the building and ordered the hostage cooks to prepare food and rice for 10,000 people.

Coup soldiers sent the cooks in charge outside and made them wait in the parking lot.

Cameras recorded Tunç and a coup captain entering the municipality’s official rooms.

A civilian injured in gunfire is carried to an ambulance.

The people entered the İBB building after they heard gunshots.

Police visited each room in the building and took the coup soldiers into custody.

Tanks and armored personnel carriers under the control of FETÖ coup soldiers set off for Atatürk Airport.

Tanks and armored personnel carriers under the control of FETÖ coup soldiers set off for Atatürk Airport.

An armored personnel carrier blocked the entrance to the airport.

There was a flood people, with thousands going to Atatürk Airport using metrobuses, which were then taken out of service. Those with private cars hit the road sounding their horns.

Upon the call from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, thousands of citizens began marching toward Atatürk Airport.

A military operation was conducted on the air traffic control tower at Atatürk Airport on an order from Istanbul Police Chief Mustafa Çalışkan to Special Operations teams upon the news that Erdoğan would be traveling to Istanbul.7 Many entered the apron from the terminal.

Many entered the apron from the terminal.

Thousands welcomed the TC-ATA airplane carrying Erdoğan, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak and their entourage at the airport.

Metin Doğan, who laid down in front of a tank and became one of the many symbols of that night, said that coup soldiers threatened to shoot him if he did not back down, to which he responded: “I’m a Turkish soldier. Who are you?”

Erdoğan gave a speech at Atatürk Airport noting that F-16s threatened to intercept his private plane, and that the plotters were invaders and that the country would not surrender to them

Erdoğan gave a speech at Atatürk Airport noting that F-16s threatened to intercept his private plane, and that the plotters were invaders and that the country would not surrender to them

Turkish Airlines (THY) cancelled 925 flights due to the events unfolding during the FETÖ coup attempt.

Police took 45 soldiers involved in the coup attempt into custody at Atatürk Airport.

Erdoğan gave a second speech at Atatürk Airport.

Addressing the crowd at the airport, Erdoğan called the coup plotters as traitors.

Erdoğan insisted that the public should not abandon the streets until normalization is restored and stressed the importance of unity and solidarity.

16 Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Ümit Dündar arranged a press conference at the Atatürk Airport State Guest House.

Former President Abdullah Gül also arrived at the Atatürk Airport State Guesthouse to meet with President Erdoğan. Gül made a statement to the press after the meeting.

Civilians stopped a bus full of soldiers right before entering the bridge.
A group of soldiers blocking passage to the European side since the early hours of the evening opened fire on unarmed citizens who were marching to the bridges to resist to the coup attempt.

People flocked to the bridges being occupied by soldiers on President Erdoğan’s call.

13 Both bridges were opened to traffic after police removed the tanks on the Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Bosporus Bridges.

While FETÖ’s coup soldiers continued firing at the crowd, a tank and armored vehicles came on the bridge from the Beylerbeyi entrance on the wrong side of traffic.

Units that hit the road on the instructions of the coup generals were carrying ammunition, including 10 tank shells, 2,000 MG3 bullet series, three boxes of ammunition for ZMAs and 5,000 bullets for armored personnel carriers.

Soldiers controlling Bosporus Bridge during the coup attempt shot shells toward civilians and police.

12 All soldiers who occupied the Bosporus Bridge during the July 15 coup attempt surrendered. The bridge was renamed the July 15 Martyrs Bridge with a Cabinet decree on July 25.

Six civilians, Erol Olçak and his 16-year-old son Abdullah Tayyip Olçok, were martyred in the first round of gunfire.

11 An anti-riot water cannon vehicle was shot and burst into flames.

3 Two tanks and armored personnel carriers proceeded to seize the bridges. Four tanks, two armored personnel carriers and two armored combat vehicles were directed to Sabiha Gökçen Airport; four armored personnel carriers to the 1st Army Commandership; four armored personnel carriers to Acıbadem Telekom; and eight tanks, two armored personnel carriers and two armored combat vehicles to the Üsküdar riot police base.

FETÖ coup soldiers closed traffic from the Anatolian to European Side of Istanbul on the Bosporus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridges.

Civilians who were shot and injured were taken to hospitals in taxis, ambulances and sometimes motorcycles.

Helicopters tried landing in the complex but were stopped by bodyguards who seized by the coup soldiers who were then photographed by civilians.

While the crowd gathering outside stopped the tanks, bodyguards repelled the putchists’ efforts to twice land their helicopters. All of the staff became one shield.

FETÖ pilots dropped two bombs near the Presidential Palace complex and the presidency’s Köprülü Intersection.

The entire staff was put on red alert and stopped the putchists.

Civilians recited the Quran in front of the Presidential Palace complex.

It was only revealed how much damage the bombs dropped on the Presidential Palace complex caused come morning.

It was only revealed how much damage the bombs dropped on the Presidential Palace complex caused come morning.

Bombs fell on one of the cars parked in front of Millet Mosque and the bombs killed five civilians.

When assassination teams set off to assassinate President Erdoğan, it was revealed that coup-plotters wanted to use the Presidential Palace complex as a military headquarters and were approaching the complex with six tanks.

Thirteen soldiers, including three officers who were FETÖ members trying to raid the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) simultaneously with the attack on the Presidential Palace complex, were taken into custody.

It was only revealed how much damage the bombs dropped on the Presidential Palace complex caused come morning.

FETÖ pilots dropped two bombs near the Presidential Palace complex and the presidency’s Köprülü Intersection.

Presidential Bodyguards head Ramazan Bal immediately took action after discussing the issue with General Secretary Fahri Kasırga.

Müslüm Macit dropped a bomb on instruction from Lt. Col. Hakan Karakuş.

It was only revealed how much damage the bombs dropped on the Presidential Palace complex caused come morning.

President Erdoğan left the Atatürk Airport State Guesthouse where he stayed the night during the FETÖ coup attempt to spend the afternoon at his residence in Kısıklı.

He greeted the crowd that had gathered in front of his house.

He greeted the crowd that had gathered in front of his house.

He greeted the crowd that had gathered in front of his house.

Citizens waiting with Turkish flags.

Citizens waiting with Turkish flags.

The crowd in front of the presidential residence.

Strict security measures were taken to protect President Erdoğan.

A citizen praying with a Turkish flag.

Strict security measures were taken to protect President Erdoğan.

In response to the crowd chanting “stand tall, don’t bow,” Erdoğan said: “Don’t worry. We only bow before God. It doesn’t befit us to bow down before anyone else. There’s no such thing in our principles.”

President Erdoğan addressed the crowd that had gathered in Kısıklı, Üsküdar to show their reaction to the FETÖ coup attempt.

President Erdoğan also said: “Brothers, I first have to mention this. These incidents have been orchestrated by a minority within the armed forces, not by the Turkish Armed Forces itself. They were a tumor within the Turkish Armed Forces. Now, the tumor is being cleansed.”

Asserting that Turkey fears no “parallel state structure”, President Erdoğan said: “Now, I want to address the U.S. I’m addressing the president of the U.S. Mr. President, I previously asked for the repatriation of the person living on 400-decare of land in Pennsylvania. I informed you that they were planning a coup, but I couldn’t make you heed my warning. Today I am repeating my call after this coup attempt: Repatriate the person in Pennsylvania to Turkey!”

“Our armed forces will advance toward a point that is fit for itself. I also would like to thank the judiciary very much, because all across the country, the judiciary, in cooperation with the national police, has ruled for the detention of these people regardless of their names, posts or ranks.”

President Erdoğan’s son Bilal.

The people who gathered in front of the presidential residence with Turkish flags.

1 Eight FETÖ soldiers escaped to Greece in a Sikorsky helicopter when the coup attempt failed.

2 Maj. Gencay Büyük, Cpt. Uğur Uçan, Cpt. Abdullah Yetik, Cpt. Feridun Çoban, Maj. Ahmet Güzel, Cpt. Süleyman Özkaynakçı, Master Sgt. Bilal Kurugül and Master Sgt. Mesut Fırat escaped to Alexandroupoli in Greece and applied for asylum.

3 Police escorted the eight coup soldiers who escaped to Greece after the FETÖ coup attempt failed in handcuffs to court in Alexandroupoli.

4 Defense lawyers, members of the press and three Turkish lawyers who wanted to be involved in the hearing were also allowed inside the courthouse along with the soldiers.

5 After it was announced that the hearing wouold be delayed, the coup soldiers were transferred under heavy security measures to Ferecik Prison where they were held in custody.

6 The eight soldiers who escaped to Greece in a Sikorsky helicopter after FETÖ’s coup attempt applied for asylum in Greece.

Coup soldiers took Türksat employees and security guards in the area hostage.

Twelve Türksat personnel kept hostage at the TV Teleport Directorate located under the large satellite dish were brought to the left side of the main entrance gate under the supervision of two soldiers.

Four soldiers entered the uplink station.

Four bombs were dropped around the Türksat building at 3:14, 3:15, 3:17 and 3:19 a.m.

It was noted that the bomb coded as “ARSLAN-6“ was dropped by the Coup pilot Hüseyin Türk, under the command of Capt. Ahmet Tosun, dropped a bomb called “ARSLAN” from an F-16 aircraft tail number 93-0663.

It was noted that the bomb coded as “ARSLAN-6“ was dropped by the Coup pilot Hüseyin Türk, under the command of Capt. Ahmet Tosun, dropped a bomb called “ARSLAN” from an F-16 aircraft tail number 93-0663.

Türksat became the target of helicopters and coup soldiers after TRT’s broadcast was cut after the coup statement was read. Two personnel were killed while four were injured.

It was revealed that Ahmet Özsoy and Ali Arslan, who lost their lives at Türksat, had come to the headquarters in order not to abandon the personnel under their responsibility even though they knew about the uprising.

The damage the bombs had on Türksat headquarters was revealed in the morning.

The damage the bombs had on Türksat headquarters was revealed in the morning.

The damage the bombs had on Türksat headquarters was revealed in the morning.

Special Operations 1st Brigade Commander Sergeant Semih Terzi traveled from Diyarbakır to Akıncı Air Base with a combined arms team of 60.

The group took Chief of General Staff Gen.Halusi Akar by helicopter to the Akıncı 4th Main Jet Base Command. Along with the combined arms team, Maj. Gen. Mehmet Dişli was also on the helicopter.

Residents of Kazan who found out that the aircraft bombing the capital had taken off from Akıncı Air Base rushed to the base located on the outskirts of the district.

Civilians who wanted to prevent aircraft from taking off at Akıncı Air Base in Ankara were withstood gunfire, which killed eight people and injured 40.

FETÖ soldiers at the Akıncı 4th Main Jet Base Command started leaving the base after the coup attempt failed.

An operation was carried out against the FETÖ coup at Akıncı 4th Main Jet Base Command.

A group of 67 individuals surrendered during the operations.

Many citizens rushed to Akıncı 4th Main Jet Base Command on July 15 to resist the FETÖ coup attempt and some villagers set fire to bales of hay and tires to prevent jets from taking off.

Many citizens rushed to Akıncı 4th Main Jet Base Command on July 15 to resist the FETÖ coup attempt and some villagers set fire to bales of hay and tires to prevent jets from taking off.

The junta generals, realizing that their coup plans were exposed, initiated all stages of their coup attempt in the evening that they had initially planned for 3:00 a.m.

Akar’s aide, Leven Türkkan, assistant aide Capt. Serdar and other armed soldiers from the Special Operations unit entered the room where Akar was being held.

The rooms where the Chief of General Staff, Akar and Deputy Chief of General Staff Yaşar Gürler were taken hostage.

The junta brought Salih Zeki Çolak.

Görüntülerde Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Salih Zeki Çolak, darbeci askerler tarafından yere yatırılarak elleri arkadan bağlandığı görüldü. Aynı görüntüde Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Kurmay Başkanı Orgeneral İhsan Uyar (sol 2) da görülüyor.

Land Forces Commander Gen. Salih Zeki Çolak was laid on the ground and handcuffed. The same photo also shows the chief of staff of the Land Forces Command, Gen. İhsay Uyar.

Security camera records of how generals at the general staff were captured.

Security camera records of the head of the General Staff Personnel Department, Lt. Gen. İlhan Talu accompanying coup soldiers.

Security camera records of the head of the General Staff Personnel Department, Lt. Gen. İlhan Talu accompanying coup soldiers.

Coup soldiers opened fire into the crowd that gathered in front of the General Staff Command.

Ambulances started arriving in front of the building.

Civilians waiting in front of the General Staff Command used an interesting method to diffuse the coup soldiers’ tanks.

They used the canvases folded on the tanks that were always on the move and covered the tanks with them, blocking their view. As a result, the tanks were neutralized.

Civilians soon opened the main gate to the General Staff Command and entered to chase the soldiers who opened fire to them.

Gun shots were heard from inside the General Staff Command and a helicopter started shooting the crowd outside.

F-16s under the control of coup pilots made low approach flights many times in front of the General Staff Command.

Approximately 200 unarmed privates and noncommissioned officers leaving the General Staff Command surrendered to the police.

Approximately 200 unarmed privates and noncommissioned officers leaving the General Staff Command surrendered to the police.

Junior and commissioned officers who did not join the coup attempt and were held handcuffed inside the General Staff Command were discharged in the early hours of the morning.

The vicinity of the General Staff Command was cleared to get ready for the operations. Civilians and journalist were removed from the area.

Special Operations soldiers arrived at the location and then police forces entered the General Staff Command.

The military vehicles the putschists had brought to the General Staff Command were returned to their rightful positions.

Military vehicles seized and brought to the General Staff quarters by coup-plotter traitors were returned to their respective troops.

Ali Anar, 35, lost his life while he was trying to prevent F-16 aircraft from taking off at Akıncı Main Jet Base Command. He was the village headmen of Ahi in the Kazan district of Ankara.

Coup soldiers fired at about 8,000 people at the entrance of Akıncı Main Jet Base Command in Kazan. Seven people were killed and 59 were wounded.

Kazan mufti Halil Karagöz, who performed the funeral prayer, said: “We leave all traitors, dishonest people, FETÖ members and parallel state members who are burning with so much hate to crush people under a tank to God. God damn them! Thanks to our martyrs, our nation and our motherland survived when they were at the edge of a cliff. Hopefully, God will never test us with similar pain. We are grateful for our martyrs. I hope God is too. Let them rest in peace in heaven.”

Anar was buried after the funeral prayer.

The Turkish Grand National Assembly was bombed three times by FETÖ pilots in F-16s.

Police officers and security personal standing at the entrance were wounded.

The TBMM was heavily damaged.
Parliament speaker Ismail Kahraman made statements from the bomb shelter he went to with other deputies.

A bomb left a crater in the Parliament garden.

A bomb left a crater in the Parliament garden.

The damage caused by a bomb that hit the roof of Parliament.

The damage caused by the bombs became visible in the morning.

The damage caused by the bombs became visible in the morning.

The damage caused by the bombs became visible in the morning.

The damage caused by the bombs became visible in the morning.

The damage caused by the bombs became visible in the morning.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s brother-in-law informed him of the FETÖ coup attempt in a phone call.

He invited members of the press to his hotel and made his first press statement.

He invited the public to claim the streets and squares.

Erdoğan was vacationing at a hotel in Marmaris.

MAK and SAD teams that were to raid the hotel where Erdoğan was staying started preparing at the Çiğli Main Jet Base Command.

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a suikast için gelen askerler Marmaris’te otelin olduğu yere vardı.

Soldiers arrived at the hotel to assassinate Erdoğan.

The assassination team gathering on the beach to attack the hotel, which they had blockaded.

Erdoğan’s private bodyguards and special operations police officers returned fire at the coup soldiers.

Gunfire almost hit hotel rooms.

Gunfire almost hit hotel rooms.

Gunfire almost hit hotel rooms.

The assassination team attacking the hotel with heavy weapons from helicopters and land escaped the area after the coup attempt failed.

Çengelköy around the evening hours of the night of the July 15 coup attempt.

Civilians who were captured by FETÖ soldiers in front of the Kuleli Military School.

Putschists opened fire on the public from a helicopter.

Soldiers kept the civilians on the ground in a single row in Çengelköy.

Civilians who were taken hostage where forced to walk in the streets in a single-file line with their hands behind their heads.

The Çengelköy Police Station was not surrendered to the group of soldiers who tried to capture it. These soldiers were later taken into custody.

The Çengelköy Police Station was not surrendered to the group of soldiers who tried to capture it. These soldiers were later taken into custody.

The Çengelköy Police Station was not surrendered to the group of soldiers who tried to capture it. These soldiers were later taken into custody.

Soldiers started to run away when reinforcement police units came to the area later on. The units arrested seven soldiers, two of them commissioned officers.

We lost our brother Cambaz, a senior photojournalist from our newspaper and a friend to all of us who we called Cambaz. Mustafa Cambaz was martyred by FETÖ gunfire in Çengelköy during the July 15 coup attempt.

Mustafa Cambaz, one of Greece's Western Thrace Turks, said he was ready to give his life for this homeland and flag.

Burak Cantürk was martyred in Çengelköy.

Gökhan Esen

Halil Kantarcı

Kader Sivri

Murat Akdemir

Osman Yılmaz

Şahnaz Aydın, the wife of Bülent Aydın, a protectionist petty officer of Commander of the Land Forces, who wrote his name in history as "the first hero martyr" on the night of FETÖ's coup attempt, explained that night.

Şahnaz Aydın, wife of Gen. Salih Zeki Colak's petty officer Bülent Aydın, said, "I am proudly saying that the first intervention, the first martyr, the first hero of the coup, the first Hasan Tahsin is my husband Bülent Aydın. The martyr who went to stop the coup because he heard of gunshots at the General Staff Headquarters is Bülent Aydın.

Petty Officer Senior Sergeant Bülent Aydin was listed as "the first martyr of 15 July" in the indictment prepared for the events at the General Staff Headquarters during the coup attempt on July 15.

Şahnaz Aydın, the wife of the first martyr, told the story of the struggle for survival in the General Staff, on July 15, at 21.44 pm, when the couple, who was determined to be martyred by coup plotters, explained their struggle for survival after that night with their two children, one who is 20 and the other who is 16 years old.

A crescent-star memoir made in the name of Bülent Aydın who is a martyr is seen in the photo.

Şahnaz Aydın showed what her husband was wearing that night.

“Like a hero, he pulled his gun and filled his charger just like a hero. He had no fear. He filled his charger. He saw they were pulling guns from everywhere. There were at least seven guns point an Bülent. He only took a vehicle in front of him as a shield,” said Şahnaz.

“May the nation be pleased, but I will never forgive those who martyred my husband, those who caused my husband to be martyred, those who saw him martyred and hid. It is the nation’s duty to explain this. Those who saw Bülent Aydın get shot, I’m calling everyone. Fulfill your duty to the state. Catch the murderer of my martyr.”

In the photo, a plaque is presented to his wife Şahnaz Aydın in memory of the martyr Bülent Aydın.

The family of Cennet Yiğit, the assistant commissioner who died during the attack on the Gölbaşı Special Operations Department during the treacherous coup attempt of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), began to live in the district of Bünyan in the county of Kayseri after the passing of her daughters.

Yahya Kemal Yiğit, who was the father of Cennet Yiğit, last saw his daughter during Eid al-Fitr at Bünyan.

They lived in Alanya for many years. They had a tiring day and slepy early, and were woken by a phone call that said the Gölbaşı Special Operations was bombed. They then followed the developments on the news.

She said to her mother, "Mom, there is a problem in the Special Operations, our department chief called us, I'm going". When her family called later, she shut the phone by saying "I'm going to the meeting".

The father said he was ready to sacrifice himself for the homeland.

Yiğit stated that they were following the ongoing FETÖ cases in different cities of Turkey and stressed that they would also closely follow the case related to the bombing of the Special Operations Center.

Huriye Yiğit stated that Cennet had graduated from Gazi University Fine Arts Painting Department and dreamed of becoming a police officer since she was a child.

Yiğit said her daughter planned to get engaged 20 days after eid, and her engagement rings were bought.

Upon the request of the martyrs sister Emine Yiğit, the family dedicated a room to the belongings of Cennet.
