Urgent intervention in Afrin and Manbij is essential: This is a ‘national struggle’
The terrorist formation in Afrin and Manbij and the intention of the forces behind them, is the most imminent and serious threat. This line that spans the Mediterranean and the Iranian border spreading all along Turkey’s southern border is a siege plan that targets our country.

This area, from which the Arab and Turkmen population has been driven out and given completely to the control of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)’s Syrian affiliate, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), is being readied for the “Turkey front” that is to be opened in the future. The thousands of trucks of weapons transferred to the PKK and the secret weapon buildups that we currently do not know about, are all a clear attack on a NATO-member country through terrorist organizations.

They are going to implement that plan in 2018

Those weapons are not only limited to supporting a terrorist organization, they are being transported to the region for a direct attack targeting Turkey. Terrorism is not the only problem we are facing; there is also preparation for an open attack against our country. There is a plan that aims to seal off Turkey’s south and sever all our ties with the region.

We are face to face with preparations for a multinational attack. The atmosphere is being formed again for this attack they were intending to start with the July 15, 2016 attack. According to their plan, a similar chaos is going to be created on the “inside,” simultaneous with the attack in question. I guess this plan is going to be implemented in 2018.

 ‘Inside operation,’ US and PYD’s secret partners

No state or nation can quietly sit back and watch a hundreds-of-kilometers-long “attack line being formed at the zero point of their border. No justification can normalize such a formation, such preparation. Those who are doing this in Turkey, those minimizing the threat, keeping it out of sight, normalizing it, saying “it is outside our borders, it’s none of our business,” those who have been distracting Turkey for months, are carrying out an “inside operation.”

These circles are slowing down Turkey through indirect or direct relations with the U.S. and PYD, and buying time for the U.S. and PKK. This is treachery; it is the attempt to destroy Turkey’s future. Yet, this threat will take our country’s future hostage, it will divide and shrink it.

I now believe that these circles are linked to those sly plans, that they work together with them and that they are carrying out the biggest operation against Turkey. I believe that those who conducted an operation through the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) with July 15 have made other partnerships inside Turkey these days, that they are slowing down and occupying Turkey with them, and that they work together with them as the greatest supporters of the “terror corridor.”

Erdoğan’s call and the ‘Turkey axis’

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement yesterday and the ones before are the reflections of a bitter call and fight. While Erdoğan spoke of the depths of history, as he discussed the threat of the multinational intervention aimed at the region, as he spoke with the political mind and genetics ongoing in this land since the Seljuks, some continuing to insist is taking sides to the extent of treachery. It is siding with invasion, terrorism and Western intervention.

The president’s call, his stance and discourse is the Turkey axis. It is the effort to save the country’s present and future and the effort to continue the great rising period. This is where we stand, where we will stand, where we should stand.

Turkey is too late. It should have intervened as soon as the terror corridor had become clear. But even though it is late, this operation should be conducted without waiting even a day. The next step, waiting, indecisiveness, hesitation will be suicide for the country.

Intervention in Afrin, Manbij is a ‘national struggle’ for us

Turkey negated the “big game” a little with the Euphrates Shield operation and cracked that corridor. Now, it must purge Afrin and Manbij, which is in the West of the Euphrates, from the PKK and PKK-controlled Daesh, and eliminate the West wing of the front.

Neither the U.S., nor another power can say anything or stand against Turkey’s intervention. Because the U.S. is attacking Turkey with terrorist organizations and has given the order for the terrorist attacks inside the country. This is a legitimate defense for Turkey. This is how it will be perceived by the international public as well.

Yet, for our people, this is a “national struggle,” a country defense and Turkey guaranteeing its future. It is a necessity for us to destroy the threat at its location without waiting for them to bring the war to our territory.

Whatever the price, that front must be destroyed!

We have been making calls in this direction for months, for two years. We are highlighting the threat on TV and newspapers. We are encouraging Turkey to take action. Our current situation is clear; the things we said six months ago are clear. Even though some are trying to keep Turkey sleeping, we are determined to stay awake. Eventually, months later, the point Turkey reached was the same point as the warnings we have been making for months.

Turkey has no other option. “Whatever the price,” this threat must be eliminated. The west of the Euphrates must be secured, this multinational intervention game must be negated and the structure surrounding our country from the south must be destroyed. Today, we are able to say: If it is not intervened in, that corridor, from start to end, is going to become a front to attack Turkey. That front must be destroyed without waiting for that time to come. Turkey has the strength to do this.

Four countries are being threatened at once from Euphrates’ east

The east of the Euphrates is growing as a much greater threat. We are most likely going to face the real great danger after the Afrin and Manbij operations. Because what’s happening in the east of the Euphrates is a threat not only for Turkey but for four countries. Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran are going to be threatened from here.

They are making plans to destroy four countries at once with a single project. The referendum Masoud Barzani was made to hold was a stage of this project. Whoever knowingly defended this in Turkey, they are involved in that plan. It was negated with Turkey, Iran and Iraq’s joint stance. Now, the same close stance must be ensured for the east of the Euphrates. As a matter of fact, Syria should also join this rapport. The threat in question is aimed at all four countries at once. The threat is common; the defense is joint.

Five countries must show the harshest reaction ever

Hence, Turkey, Russia, Iran, Syria and Iraq are obliged to show the harshest reaction ever to the new map works in the region. That map is a garrison. Even though it is promoted through the Kurdish ethnic identity, it has been designed completely in accordance with U.S.-Israel interests.

The garrison zone to be formed is going to be an intervention base targeting the entire region; perhaps there will be interventions in the region from this area for decades. No terrorist organization, no non-regional country should be allowed to settle in this zone.

In this aspect, the terror corridor is not Turkey’s issue alone. Iran, Iraq and Syria must also act in parallel with Turkey to prevent this threat. A joint defense against a common threat is essential.

In 2018, they are going to push Turkey and Iran from within

To form the map in question, in 2018, they are going to try and push Turkey and Iran from within. The PYD cryptos that have been acting together with those inside the country and structures working in complete integration with the U.S. must be scrutinized. Thus, the operation in Afrin and Manbij will also negate the “internal intervention” plans plotted for Turkey for this year.

Turkey is late. Because they distracted it. They occupied it with proposals, with justifications such as “what will the U.S. say,” with attempts saying, “We have better suggestions,” and with attitudes belittling the threat. The most important strategy in this direction in the last year has been established on “distracting Turkey.” They were successful at this.

A secret hand, a PKK and American hand

A hand, a secret and mutual hand with the U.S. and PYD/PKK, an effective lobby, circle in politics, military bureaucracy and media played a game on our country. It tried to draw the president’s attention elsewhere. Nowadays, Erdoğan revealing the danger in a raised voice, with a bitter cry, making determined statements, activating the country has truly disturbed them. I don’t know what they can do, but they will certainly try surprising things. They will do all they can to ensure that the operation remains limited, that’s for sure.

Turkey will make this intervention despite the PKK terrorists and Americans within. It must do it because a struggle line called the “Turkey axis” has been formed. In 2018, we are going to see the resistance of this line. We are going to see the impact of this line in Afrin, in Manbij, in Turkey and, in time, in the east off the Euphrates.

It is expedition time

Because Turkey has started great march, and this march cannot be stopped. Everybody in this country is obliged to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight along the homeland axis. In 2018, we are going to see who is Turkish and who is an “outsider.”

Regardless of what anybody says, regardless of how much anybody threatens, this intervention must be made. Afrin and Manbij must be purged; Turkey must be secured and the danger in the east of the Euphrates threatening four countries at once must be targeted.

Unless these operations are conducted, Turkey won’t even have the opportunity to keep its internal affairs in check. The rising period that started a century later will be reversed this year. If the plan is big, if the game is big, then so are our claims.

It is now time for expedition!

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